
Community band seeking more players

Monday, April 3, 2017 4:29 PM

The Four Corners Community band has had six rehearsals since resuming practice in January, and the band is sounding incredible!

Anyone in the Four Corners area who was ever a member of a high school band, but has not checked out our local community band, is missing out on a great experience. We have grown to about 35 members, with an age range of 17 to mid-70s. For an annual dues of only $25.00, you will have the opportunity to rehearse and perform with some of the nicest people our area has to offer.

These musicians are dedicated to providing quality entertainment for community events, and we are currently preparing for a (hopefully) busy performance schedule.

We play a wide range of styles, from light jazz to marches, Broadway and movie music to light classical, and even a little old rock ‘n roll.

We would love to have you come out and join us. Please call me at (970) 565-9804 for more information, or to request a performance by the band.

Mark Allen, Director, Four Corners Community Band

