
It makes one wonder

Thursday, Aug. 11, 2011 12:11 AM

Dear Editor:

What is next for the tea party?

The president termed the tea party the “enemy” during the 2010 election cycle. The vice president then said just last week we are “terrorists.” Various politicians, news media and pundits term us “hostage takers, “jihadists,” “extremists,” etc. A congresswoman said the stock market plunge and oncoming recession is the fault of the tea party. Now, after months of warning about our out-of-control-spending and climbing debt, Standard and Poor’s has downgraded our country to AA+. Sen. Reid said on Saturday it is because of “hard liners.”

As a history buff, I wonder whether the tea party is looking at a “Nero burning Rome,” a “czarist/Stalin type of purge,” a “Pol Pot cleansing of Cambodia scenario,” another “Reichstag fire.” It makes one wonder.

Carol H. Dye

Pleasant View
