
Valid concerns, but the wrong approach

Monday, March 20, 2017 7:11 PM

The outdoor industry’s approach to persuade Utah’s policy concerning the Bears Ears National Monument in their favor by threatening to pull $45 million of Utah state revenue is by definition and nature, extortion.

The land is contained within the borders of Utah. Policy concerning land management between the State of Utah or the U.S. government should be decided by those entities, not everyone else. Would you want people outside of Colorado attempting to influence how Colorado manages public lands by pulling money and support because they don’t like your policies?

The American Antiquities Act authorizes the president to declare the smallest area compatible with proper care and management of antiquities to be a national monument and relinquish control to the Secretary of the Interior. Other than permitting recovery of antiquities to recognized scientific and educational institutions, it does not provide any land access or management details.

Does the outdoor industry know who the actual affected stakeholders are or their concerns? If it is decided that the State of Utah will control Bears Ears, wouldn’t they need the $45 million in lost revenue to ensure it is protected and managed properly? Why not support your side with promises of donations rather than threats of lost revenue?

It seems lately people and groups are very quick to react to widely publicized issues without much knowledge of details, direct involvement, and especially offerings of alternatives. Do the priceless hours of people creating a venue that expanded 20 years or the countless hours of supportive efforts to resolve the issues come down to a $45 million power play?

Wouldn’t a comprehensive list of concerns with tangible options submitted to the right authorities be more effective than attempting to bully U.S. or state governments? If the powers that be don’t give into your demands and make an unfavorable decision, will you and your money quit supporting the cause?

It seems Bears Ears will be left behind while the outdoor industry starts elsewhere to make money for another unsubstantiated battle because of misdirected values. I am tired of terroristic money tactics.

George Tripp

