
It is time to make America think again

Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:22 PM

Demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

Rule against me and you are a “so-called judge.”

Speak against me and you are a “second-rate actress, very over rated.”

Report against me and you are “the lying press, very, very dishonest.”

Exercise freedom of speech and you are “a paid political demonstrator.”

When government investigators follow unbiased facts they are guilty of “tactics used in Nazi Germany.”

Apparently Constitutional standards, personal feelings, fact checking, public opinion and non -partisan investigations are not to be tolerated under the new regime.

The Constitution is only brought out when championing the Second Amendment, which brings in votes.

If the First Amendment’s freedoms of speech, religion and of the press bring criticism, then tell them to shut up. If the judicial branch acts independently, then call them names unless they follow the “Supreme Leader.”

When accusations are made with no supporting facts and news organizations are banned from attending press briefings, see: Demagogue.

Political views aside, this demeaning of basic American rights should not be and cannot be tolerated. If you have not read Animal Farm recently, then do so and see what a totalitarian state looks like.

Make America think again

Jim Skvorc

