Our library, along with other local libraries and libraries throughout the state, is receiving grant money from the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program to improve computer service to patrons. This money comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The goals of the project are:
To increase public access to high speed broadband services in high need communities, and to serve vulnerable populations (unemployed, underemployed or other vulnerable populations: non-English speakers, seniors, disabled, etc.).
To provide training, technical support and other resources to support job search, career advancement and high school to college attainment through community anchor institutions such as public libraries.
To advance the use of electronic services for employment, digital literacy, business development, health and education.
To enhance access to libraries and computers through Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.
For Colorado, the award consisted of $2,275,526 with cash and in-kind matches of $1,070,234 for a total of $3,345,760. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is providing funding support of $754,000 in financial assistance.
Seventy-six urban and rural communities will receive new or enhanced Public Computer Centers, including the two Ute tribal libraries, 62 public libraries, five school/public library combined facilities, and seven library-run Public Computer Centers in remote rural towns.
With the grant, 451 desktops, 692 laptops, 69 Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant workstations, and other equipment for public computer use and training in libraries and other community facilities will be purchased.
The grant includes public computer training in basic computer skills, broadband adoption, work force skills such as Microsoft Office suite, and resources for adult education, GED, and high school to college. Other courses of interest will include access to health information, English as a second language, and other high need information.
The process to select the libraries and communities for inclusion in the project involved examining critical factors such as poverty rates, ethnicity and current access to broadband and public computers, and working directly with library directors and city or county leaders to determine the areas of greatest need.
Statewide partners for the grant include the Colorado Library Research Service, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, College in Colorado, Colorado Community College System, Rocky Mountain Disability, Business & Technical Assistance Centers, Colorado Department of Labor, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, The Workforce Development Council, Colorado State Adult Education/Family Literacy and GED Programs.
The Cortez Public Library is receiving 10 laptops and accompanying software that we will be checking out to individuals over 18 years old for in-library use. The 10 laptops will be available to organizations that wish to use them for computer training. They can be loaned off-site. Additionally, we will get a wireless printer and a projector. The library has also received an ADA compliant computer.
The Dolores County Public Library at Dove Creek is getting five laptops, one charging station, nine desktops, one ADA station, a printer, a scanner, a webcam, 20 headphones, a video projector with a cart, a document camera and an interactive white board, smart slate and Bluetooth wireless adaptor.
Dolores Public Library received eight laptops, replacing four and adding four additional ones, and a new Toshiba Satellite with the Intel Core i5-480M dual core processor with integrated webcam and microphone with wireless, and 2010 Microsoft software. They are also getting an interactive whiteboard, with a camera and an MOBI View, and an ADA work station. From the Colorado Workforce Centers, the Dolores Library will receive a Workforce Station, which will include a computer with webcam and headset, software, fax/scanner/printer and signature pad.
Mancos is receiving 10 laptops, two desktops, one ADA workstation, a printer and a projector.
As part of the grant, each library will provide computer classes. On Fridays, beginning July 15, Gabe Torres from the Workforce Center will teach computer classes related to finding employment. The Cortez library staff will provide beginning computer classes every other Thursday starting Thursday, July 21. Classes will be limited to nine students each, so sign up will be necessary.
The Dove Creek Library and the Dolores Public Library will assess needs in their community and will plan their classes from that information.
Mancos holds a class called Tech Connect Series: Helping small business and non-profits connect with their customers. The class focus is on social media. They are also planning a class called Email for Newbies.
Stay tuned for announcements in the newspapers and on the library websites: www.mancoslibrary.org, www.doloreslibrary.org, and www.cityofcortez.com/government/public_library_0 for dates and times of classes.
Local libraries will launch their projects Thursday, June 30. Here are the times:
Dove Creek Library will host an open house from 3 to 7 p.m., featuring light refreshments, local authors, computer class sign-up, and a tour of the library.
Dolores Public Library is 55 years old, and this is a great opportunity to celebrate 55 years and the BTOP Grant as a joint venture. Looking back 55 years with the progress from a rotary telephone and a manual typewriter to the present day with computers, cell phones, iPads and iPods.
They will celebrate from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and will hold an all-day open house with refreshments, music and staff to inform and show the new equipment and services offered at the library. A local author will be at the library to discuss his book and autograph copies from 4 to 7 p.m.
Cortez will launch its project with an open house from 4 to 7 p.m. We will show off our new laptops and our databases. Refreshments will be served.
Mancos launch will consist of an afternoon open house.
Attend one of these launches and help your library celebrate this opportunity to better serve you all!
Joanie Howland is director of the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. She can be reached at 565-8117.