
Speak up and support our new president

Thursday, March 9, 2017 11:04 PM

I am one who was so excited to vote for President Donald Trump, and was very excited when he won the election.

I have been shocked at the behavior of liberals who are not accepting the election results. President Trump has the best interests of Americans at heart and speaks for those “silent” Americans who have longed for someone who is not worried about political correctness and will stand up for patriotic Americans.

We are citizens of the greatest nation on earth. We should not be afraid to act like it. This is a Christian nation, a nation under God. We are delighted to once again have a president who will stand up and say it! God bless President Trump and God bless those who are trying to help him lead this great land.

Our representatives need to get on the stick and approve all those he has chosen so he can get all the things done he has said he will do. We as conservatives need to speak out and support him. I know we are the majority here in Cortez.

Come on, speak up. I cannot imagine how frustrated he must be at all the obnoxious noise he has to listen to daily.

Merry Freestone

