
USFS is open to changing travel plan

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 9:30 PM

Dear Editor:

Although I appreciate the Cortez Journal’s efforts to provide information to the public regarding the Boggy-Glade Travel Plan in Tuesday’s newspaper, I want to clarify that we are open to changing Modified Alternative B, and we won’t rush these discussions.

Modified Alternative B is only a starting point for an open dialogue on what roads are important to you for your favorite forest uses, such as wood cutting, camping, hunting, etc. We do not propose to implement Modified Alternative B as is; we want the public to help us modify it so that it protects resources and offers access.

I want to encourage you to come to the open houses and see which routes are proposed for changes. We will have large-scale maps of the different areas like Boggy Draw, McPhee Lake, Salter Y and Black Snag. Forest Service staff will be there to listen and to answer your questions. Let us know why and where you think additional motorized game retrieval options or other motorized access is needed. Tell us how Modified Alternative B would affect your hunting experience.

In case this message wasn’t clear in the earlier article, your comments — in writing, via e-mail or orally at the public hearings — will play an important role in making the decision. We need to hear from you on all aspects of roads and trail planning for these areas, including motorized game retrieval. We will also continue to take comments on the other original alternatives in the analysis.

Connie Clementson

Acting Dolores District Ranger

San Juan National Forest
