
Avoid Satan’s whims; seek God’s healing power on His own terms

Friday, June 10, 2011 8:02 PM

Most people never really meditate upon the message that is given in the book of I Corinthians 14:35 of your Bible. It says: “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the Saints.”

Too many live as if this truth has been negated. If we would give serious thought to all of the things that cause confusion, we would realize that Satanic influence is present in every thought and action that leads to confusion and strife. As we try to give serious thought and analyze each action and reaction, we will find that selfishness and jealousy are the causes of antagonism. When you observe confusion in any aspect of your life, you will find that the cause of said confusion is a spirit of greed and self-centeredness.

When you hear of, or observe, confusion in any organization, you can be sure that the instigator of that confusion is Satan and his influence upon people. People give in to Satan’s whims and then question the actual source of confusion. Some people will literally seek out something about which they can complain, and by doing so they will then criticize someone, or something with detrimental speech and conversation.

Constructive criticism does not breed problems. However, destructive criticism is a tool of Satan and he uses it to render confusion. The one who plants the “seeds of confusion” is a “tool” of Satan. It is usually true that that person is the one who is a constant fault-finder and he is doing nothing to promote anything that is good and profitable. Such a person is a detriment to family unity. That lack of unity carries over into a person’s vocation, and “yes” it also carries over into the organizations of which he is a participant.

Too many people, even those who claim the title “Christian” have their “life tree” surrounded by Satan’s “wilderness” rather than it being surrounded by God’s “vineyard.” Some people seem to think that if they have their name on some church roll, that they are members of that church for the balance of their life, no matter how well they support that church. It is a sad statement, but it must be said that many people have “spiritually amputated” themselves from one of God’s true churches by their lack of true Christian conduct in every aspect of their lives, both public and private.

Would you be willing to nourish and exercise your physical body to the same extent that you nourish and exercise your spiritual being? Would you be abounding in good health spiritually? Do you think that caring for your spiritual being is an important facet of your life? The “Great Physician” is ready to attend to your spiritual health. Yes, you do need His presence in your home life! However, it is very evident that if you do not value His healing power, you will very seldom call upon Him in the privacy of your home. His help in assisting you in your private life very often is received when you are in one of His true churches. His help is available to all who will seek it on God’s terms.
