
‘Yes’ on 69 to fix our health care system

Monday, Oct. 31, 2016 8:47 PM

How much longer must we endure our broken health care system? My entire career in medicine has been dominated by the same issue, and yet, we still have no viable solution.

The problem remains unchanged – outrageous and constantly rising health care costs.

The average American is quickly losing the battle to stay ahead of these costs. We have an opportunity to rescue ourselves and stop paying these unbelievable premiums that are no longer affordable.

ColoradoCare will provide the residents of Colorado with universal access to health care, which will be simpler, cheaper and provide better benefits than most of us can afford right now. In addition, it will remove the profit-seeking health insurance companies from our state.

We are being asked to approve a $25 billion “premium” tax that would replace the $30 billion we are currently spending on health care in this state. The premium tax would be assessed on our payroll and non-payroll income.

For individuals collecting a payroll income, one-third of the tax would be paid by the individual employee and two-thirds would be paid by the employer, with a total of 10 percent of payroll income being contributed for each employee.

With ColoradoCare, Coloradans would be able to save nearly $5 billion by eliminating health insurance premiums, eliminating ALL deductibles and reducing the cost of copayments.

It is estimated that 80 percent of Coloradans would save money with ColoradoCare.

In addition, business owners would have predictable health care costs that will likely be less than they are currently spending. I encourage you to evaluate your own spending on health care and visit to determine how much you and your family could save with ColoradoCare. This is in the best interest of every Colorado resident – no one would be left out or left behind.

This is not a government-run health care system. ColoradoCare would be owned by the patients and providers of Colorado. This payment system would be governed by an elected board that would be accountable to the residents of Colorado.

Please vote and vote “yes” on Amendment 69.

Nicole Pinkerton, MD

