
Thanks go to awesome first responders

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016 10:01 PM

My family and I are writing to thank the 911 emergency responders, the Sheriff’s Office and Mercy Regional Medical Center Emergency Department staff.

On Aug. 13, my daughter went into anaphylaxis and her airway closed after having a severe allergic reaction. I called 911 to let them know where we were so we didn’t have issues with police, as I was doing 70-mph through town.

The dispatcher was kind enough to call back and make sure I knew where the emergency entrance was. Immediately after getting off the phone with 911, a sheriff’s vehicle was behind me. We will never again be so happy to see emergency lights and sirens behind us.

The sheriff’s vehicle escorted us all the way to the hospital where emergency staff was waiting for us.

Thanks to all for the swift help and responses to helping us. They will all forever stand in our minds as awesome people!

Sheila Miller

