
Amdt. 69 is just more big government

Monday, Oct. 17, 2016 9:56 PM

Anytime one thinks all the destructive taxes have been presented our liberal fellow citizens produce more stupid and unworkable legislation.

Amendment 69 appears to be in addition to Obamacare and we know how well that works. It doesn’t. Explain to me how does a state pre-empt federal law like Medicare, which I already pay for and as a disabled veteran I can use the Veterans Administration if I choose. Why should I have to pay this extra tax when I already have insurance?

The local economy is not in good shape and this bad idea with the tax on employers would probably drive the job market into the ditch. I would not hire more people and pay more taxes on top of the Social Security tax I already pay.

These ideas are really about more government intrusion into your private business.

William Taylor

