
Thanks to Cortez from family on the road

Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 2:33 PM

On Sunday, Sept. 25, we were traveling through Cortez and decided to get our car washed.

We stopped at the car wash on Main across from Walmart, and as I leaned out to pay for the car wash, my wallet must have fell out of my pocket.

Here we were hundreds of miles from home and no wallet.

The next morning Tom from the Elks Lodge called and said he found the wallet in the parking lot. All the money was gone, but everything else was there. He in turn mailed it to me.

I am thankful that my wallet was found and that it got back to me. Our memories of Cortez will always remind us of the good people in the world.

Thanks again.

Ted Nowell

Seal Beach, Calif.
