The citizens of Cortez and Montezuma County pay taxes here to keep the city and county operating.
Let’s start with last year, with the city letting a contract for over $3 million to an out-of-state company, which in turn hired very few locals. They did buy some fuel and materials and hired a few local subcontract trucks, but they were over the time limit by months and the job was left in very bad condition over the winter months.
There are companies in this area that would have bid except the time was too short to complete the project without penalties.
Also, now the county has let an out-of-town contractor have the new courthouse. That company in turn hired an out-of-town subcontractor to do the prep work. The same contractor got both jobs: the courthouse and Osprey Packs. The company has subcontractors who bring nearly all of their help and buy fuel out of town.
The city helped on the property for Osprey, which I’m sure has tax money tied to it. So it is in our best interest to keep our jobs local.
We have contractors who could do the work and keep our tax dollars here.
Harold Foster, Sr.