
Thanks for a bodacious 90th birthday bash

Friday, March 25, 2011 9:55 PM

Thanks to my beloved friends for a bodacious 90th birthday bash, held Saturday, March 12, one of a kind to top them all. Your presence, cards and flowers were and are most overwhelming and humbling. The sentiments in the cards make me laugh, tear up, and thank God for you. Thanks for the laughter and love expressed during the roasting and toasting. Praise God for the songs and praise lead by Debbie Snead. Thank God for you and allowing me to “rub shoulders” with you all who attended, 90 at last count. Special thanks for the movers and shakers hostesses: Jeanette, Dani, Shirley and Tom, Cherie, Carolyn, Trudy, and the sound engineers Steve and Tammy. Thanks to Shiloh for the yummy cakes and Sandra at the Elks for the beautiful party trays. One mystery remains: who gave the beautiful red and yellow rose (of Texas?) bouquets? Call Pat at 564-8021 if you are the giver. God bless you all and may we be a blessing to him.

Pat Grant
