
Saudi support letter reinforces myths

Monday, June 27, 2016 7:47 PM

In response to Nels Lopez’s opinion (Journal, June 10), “Support for Saudis is support for terror:” This is a classic response to what the mainstream media has wanted everyone to believe. While on the other hand, many of us, like the 2,500 architects and engineers calling for 9/ll truth, simply know the difference.

The towers on 9/11 all came down with high-grade commercial explosives, each and every one of them. Building 7 was the smoking gun. It was a classic implosion, because nothing hit that building – no plane, no nada – to the point of destabilizing it.

In terms of the Saudi involvement, that is anyone’s guess who was involved. Four of the 18 Saudis that were said to have died in the plane crashes on 9/11 have surfaced and are alive and well. So, if they were in any plane crashes that day, they are pretty tough to have survived when almost 3,000 people perished.

Do your own research. You owe it to yourself.

Bill Utrup

