The Cortez Journal thinks that support of the United States’ “reasonably friendly relationship with Saudi Arabia” is what is needed in Congress right now? So the Journal supports supporting (and we are supporting them with tons of money, planes and bombs paid for with your tax dollars) Saudi Arabia as is?
The fact is, it was 19 Saudis who attacked the United States on the morning of September 11, 2001. They were led by a Saudi. They were funded by Saudis. The only religion allowed in Saudi Arabia is the most extremist form of Islam, Wahhabism, a harsh, extreme view of the world that the Saudis export all over the Middle East. The state may not be funding ISIS, but members of the royal family are for sure. ISIS drives fleets of brand new Toyota trucks; whose docks do you think they arrive on? ISIS doesn’t have a port where ships chock full of white matching Toyota trucks can offload.
The kingdom beheads people for “crimes” that would never be considered a crime anywhere else in the world, and they do it often. The list of human rights abuses is so long that I couldn’t list them all in 300-word letters to the editor once a month for seven lifetimes.
Support of the current dictatorship that rules Saudi Arabia is support of terrorism. One cannot be separated from the other. Any politician who says he supports the current relationship with Saudi Arabia supports terrorism; so does any newspaper that says it supports that politician. I have a feeling that the Journal’s owners support Scott Tipton’s tax breaks for the rich, not his support of terrorist Saudi kings and princes. Either way, he has been in Washington too long. He has had his chance to clean things up, failed, and supports all the wrong kings and billionaires. He voted to bail out Wall Street, and send welfare to kings...meanwhile, here on Main Street we have a ton of empty businesses.
Nels W. Lopez