
Deception runs through the body of Christ

Friday, May 20, 2011 8:54 PM

Proverbs 11:14 and 15:32 “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. (NKJV) “He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. (NIV)

A true lack of discernment and huge amounts of deception continue to run rampant throughout the body of Christ, wreaking havoc on precious saints that love Jesus but choose to ignore what the Bible says or what Godly council says — and it just breaks my heart. Several local pastors whom I have a relationship with recognize the same thing, so it’s not just me who is relaying this. But in our human nature of pride and stubbornness we usually resist correction. This is really in essence false doctrine. So I’m going to give you seven ways to check to see if deception/false doctrine is indeed creeping into your life or into the life of somebody you know. These are people who are usually fanatical or very stubborn about their stand on a particular concept, idea or precept.

It never gains wide acceptance.

It appeals mostly to the nonconformists.

There is an emphasis on extremes.

The source and character of those involved is questionable.

There is an emphasis on unusual supernatural manifestation.

There is denial of foundational basics.

There is a lack of anointing.

I hope this helps.

Many people sometimes question or have doubts about what we would call pentacostal services, where the Holy Spirit has freedom and the gifts of the spirit routinely manifest in the natural. People who put these down are actually denying some scriptures themselves. There needs to be balance on both sides. We can all agree on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, right?

Sometimes I think I’m hopeless, or at the very least, in need of a ton of prayer! Last month in this space I wrote on the importance of communication and connecting with those you communicate with. And then I proceeded to neglect to do that — in more ways than one — in the wonderful article that Journal Editor Russell Smyth wrote for us last Saturday, May 14 on our new worldwide TV channel “Faith and Prophecy.” There are two important things that I needed to communicate, that I neglected to communicate about our new form of communication. So now, with my proverbial tail between my legs, let me set the record straight.

First, I made a huge error in not letting the editor know that I am no longer the head jail chaplain for the Montezuma County Detention Center. Due to this new endeavor the Lord has brought our way, I am taking some time off from that wonderful ministry. Another pastor from the Ministerial Alliance has taken over that responsibility, although I can still visit the inmates and look forward to doing so in the future.

Second, the Faith and Prophecy TV channel is not about our church, it’s not about Foursquare, it’s about proclaiming Jesus Christ from the Four Corners to the world. It’s all about Kingdom Business and we will be including some select ministries at times from the Four Corners in our segments. Thank you for your understanding and continued encouragement and support. Your bond-servant for Christ.

Stuart Hanold and his wife Liliana are the senior pastors of the Cortez Family WorshipCenter and Vida en Victoria Foursquare churches.
