
Hospice gives Outstanding Volunteer Award to Lavey

Friday, May 20, 2011 8:04 PM

Every year Hospice of Montezuma awards the Janet McCabe Outstanding Volunteer Award. This prestigious award is given to a volunteer who exemplifies the special qualities it takes to be a hospice volunteer. This year’s recipient is Michael Lavey.

Lavey has been a hospice volunteer since September 2001 and has been an integral part of the care team ever since.

When asked why he chose to become a hospice volunteer and what’s kept him involved for almost 10 years, he said: “Being a Hospice volunteer is so rewarding. I enjoy working with people and get as much out of it as I give.”

Lavey is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and is especially good with patients who are vets themselves. He’s able to reminisce about past experiences and understands the memories those experiences bring. During one of his assignments, he downloaded pictures of the ship on which the patient had served and shared it with his patient to encourage more reminiscing. This is just one example of the special care Mike gives to the hospice patients he visits.

“He’s been one of our most loyal volunteers, helping us with patient care, grief camp and other activities. Mike always has time for hospice, even though he also volunteers for other community organizations,” said hospice nurse Angela Higley.

Hospice of Montezuma offers individualized training to fit the schedule of its volunteers. Once the required 20 hour course is completed, giving even one hour a week can really make a difference to a hospice patient and their family. For more information, or if you would like to become a member of the hospice team, call 565-4400.
