
CSU trip is supervised and beneficial

Thursday, May 5, 2016 8:49 PM

In the past two weeks, 103 8th grade students from the Cortez Middle School traveled to Fort Collins. Accompanied and supervised by 15 adults, these students visited two college campuses and multiple businesses over a period of eight days. In its 6th year, our annual trip to Colorado State University has enjoyed outstanding success.

Having personally attended this trip five of six years (including the trip in question), I know that our students consistently rise to the occasion and represent our community, school and district well.

This trip has grown over the years and has gained the attention and support of officials at Colorado State University.

As an alliance district with this university, Cortez offers our high school graduates a competitive financial edge over their peers across the state.

Offering students experiential learning opportunities is aligned with our district “Big Rock” priorities. Taking students to Colorado State University increases their engagement in college and career readiness.

This type of learning comes with both challenges and rewards. Staff and students who attended these trips have my full support.

Glenn Smith, principal

Cortez Middle School

