
Commissioners protect only favorites

Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:57 PM

Regarding the master leasing plan and the proposed increased environmental protections for Montezuma County, I find it telling that the commissioners have agreed to allow expanded protections for Phil’s World but are unwilling to consider them elsewhere.

From the Journal (Nov. 24, 2015), Ernie William’s — committee member and Dolores county commissioner — said, “We all need oil and gas, but development in some areas are questionable. We don’t want drilling in our favorite elk spot.” Commissioner Suckla votes for Phil’s World to be off limits to drilling because he is a mountain biker and Commissioner William’s will push for protections in his elk hunting territories because he is a hunter, but the citizens who live in these two counties are expected to put up with all the noise, visual blight and pollution of the oil and gas industry within unchallenged distances from our very homes! Where we live, not just where we recreate!

So the county commissioners are fine with the gas and oil industry despoiling their constituents’ air and water quality, and the visual beauty of this rural landscape, as long as it doesn’t interfere with their recreational activities. It appears our quality of life, our health and a voice in how and where industries impact us are not worth the consideration it deserves if you look at the agenda our elected county officials keep pushing.

On the other hand, the Cortez City Council voted unanimously to support the msster leasing plan. We’re thankful that they’re able to see an alternative future for our community.

Fiona King

