
Chili Supper and Pie Auction has legion of supporters

Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:06 AM

The Lewis-Arriola Community Center board of directors thanks everyone who contributed to the success of our 11th annual Chili Supper and Pie Auction.

This fundraiser provides for building and grounds maintenance and helps us to keep our fees affordable for the benefit of all who use the facility. Thanks to all who purchased tickets and attended the function; and thanks to all who participate in the Pie Auction year after year. Without you the function could not be a success.

Special thanks to: Bill Garland for donating beans as he has for several years running Diamond D Processing; P&D Grocery (Mancos), Wal-Mart and Bane Packing for donating meat; Wayne Johnson and Brittany at SWCOTV for advertising the function on television; and Rick Chaffin and Rich Kriner for their efforts to level and dry the parking lot.

Also, thanks to the ladies of our community for baking and donating cornbread. And, thanks to those who bake homemade pies for the auction, year after year. We appreciate you!

Thanks to the Battle Rock and Round Up 4H Clubs for waiting tables, serving drinks, clearing and cleaning up afterward. Your kindness, respectfulness and work ethic are admirable and much appreciated.

Very special thanks to auctioneer Ellis Yates! You’re the best and you always do a fantastic job. Also, to his wife, Angela, who keeps track of the pies sold and collects the money.

Heartfelt thanks to our cooks, kitchen help, servers and cashiers who give their time and energy every year in order to make the Chili Supper a success!

If we have missed thanking anyone, it is an unfortunate oversight – we appreciate everyone who made a contribution, large or small, to the success of the event.


Lewis-Arriola Community Center Board of Directors Chan Chaffin, President Bobby Yates, Vice-President Tracine Duran, Secretary/Treasurer Sylvia Hageman Don Lancon Kara Suckla Ron Wilson
