
Congress, White House need overhaul

Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015 11:17 PM

I was a registered Republican for many years, until four years ago when I gave up on the GOP and registered as an Independent. Citizens have to recognize that both parties do not represent ordinary citizens and are totally corrupt. On Oct. 26, the GOP in the House approved a budget that will not do anything about the debt and spends even more money that the country cannot afford. In addition, it is for two years instead of yearly – this way Congress can dodge being forced to do its duty. The process is called kicking cans down the road or burying your head in the sand and problems will go away.

For your information, Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, voted yes, just as he has in the past voted for any RINO legislation that comes before Congress. I was a supporter of Tipton for years, but when I started comparing his voting record with his rhetoric, I realized it did not match up. If anyone doubts my statement, check the congressional record – it is not difficult. He needs to be retired so he can pursue a lucrative lobbyist career on K Street. It would be really nice if we could remove all 535 members of Congress and the occupant of the White House simultaneously and start over.

But in the meantime, maybe we could revive John Salazar: He could not be worse.

William H. Taylor

