
Plan would protect places and good jobs

Monday, Nov. 9, 2015 8:25 PM

Wow! According to Eric Sanford (Letter to the editor, Journal, Oct. 9) I am part of the opposition industry. That is a real step up.

I keep hearing that the No. 1 industry in Montezuma County is tourism. So, we need to protect places lake Mesa Verde, Canyons of the Ancients, San Juan National Forest and other places and things that attract tourists. With the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed Master Leasing Plan, these things will be protected, while guaranteeing that gas and oil extraction can occur. We won’t have to choose between good paying temporary jobs in the extractive industry and permanent lower paying jobs in tourism. We can have the best of both worlds.

That is why I support both BLM’s Master Leasing Plan and a $15 per hour minimum wage.

Gala Pock

Pleasant View, Colo.
