
County trying to censor what public sees

Monday, Nov. 2, 2015 8:12 PM

The Montezuma Board of County Commissioners is demanding that the federal Bureau of Land Management withhold information from the public concerning oil and gas activities in our county.

The commissioners’ letter of Oct. 5 to the BLM concerning the proposed Master Leasing Plan insists that, “The BLM will present any recommendations with regard to what they are considering for future oil and gas leasing on BLM lands under its jurisdiction to the Montezuma County Board of County Commissioners before the recommendations go to the public or any other advocacy group or individuals.”

The commissioners’ letter also demands that the BLM “provide early notification (prior to public notice), to local government of the development of any plan, policy, or action.”

The commissioners appear to want the chance to censor what citizens are told by our federal government. Why are the commissioners demanding that the BLM keep the public (and presumably the press) from knowing about planning for future oil and gas development on federal lands in Montezuma County?

We have the right to expect transparency from all levels of government on this vital issue, most especially from the county commissioners.

Chris Eastin

