
Do not reintroduce wolves to Colorado

Monday, Sept. 21, 2015 8:10 PM

On a recent trip to Cortez, I read the story headlined “Are wolves coming back to Colorado?” (Journal, Sept. 9) and I almost vomited.

The article featured Michael Soul’e a conservation biologist who made many statements with no facts or evidence to support the reintroduction of wolves into Colorado.

I want your readers to know about truth reintroducing the wolf into Minnesota. Soul’e stated that “introducing the Wolf into Colorado would be positive impact on the region’s ecosystem”. Not true! Ten years ago in Minnesota the goal was 1,600 wolf population. We now have over 3,600 wolves. Big mistake, because once you have them you can’t get rid of them.

Because of the “Howling for wolves” organization lobbying, the wolf is on the endangered species list with no way to regulate the exploding population.

The moose population in northeast Minnesota was 9,000 in 2005 and today less then 3,000. The deer population was a record high and is now almost zero in similar zones.

Federal dollars for rancher’s losses are gone. A rancher found shooting a wolf attacking his livestock will be charged with a federal offence including fines, jail and loss of hunting privileges. Soul’e stated that while taking college students to two canyons, one with song birds, one without song birds, he believed that thanks to the coyote in the canyon with song birds killing the cats caused song birds to thrive. Give me a break.

Please don’t fill our young people with factless phylosophy. I do my job based on fact and evidence. Soul’e should do the same.

He also said it’s shocking how few wild animals are left in the world. He should get out of his office and into the backcountry before making such profound statements.

Ranchers and sportsmen of Colorado, write and call to protest the introduction of the wolf. When the wolf comes in, the sport of hunting will soon be over.

Tom Schlieman

Richmond, Minn.
