
Fred Brooks

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 2:00 AM

What are the biggest challenges you see facing Mancos, and how do you think the town board can play a role in addressing them?Many of the challenges facing the town of Mancos are economic. The demand for public services is growing faster than revenues due to the town. Raising taxes is not often the practical solution, so the answer is through growth. Marijuana industry monies are not really going to continue to grow, that market is rapidly approaching the saturation point. This is not an industrial area, the logical step is to look at increasing our share of the tourism money that continues to flow into the area.

How can the town government play a role in economic development, and what kind of development would you like to see?Town government needs to seriously look at hiring an economic development director. Mancos can be a very well kept secret. We have so much to offer here, and someone with experience in advertising/marketing, will prove to be invaluable. We live in an area that is rich in a unique mix of culture and history. We should try to get that message out.

We will never be like another town in this area, nor should we try to be. But we can capture some of the tourist money that travels to other destinations along Highway 160.

What is your position on livestock within city limits?The question of allowing livestock in town is not so difficult to answer. As a romantic notion, the thought of large animals in town may be cute, but it is not practical. We need to think about our neighbors and the impact livestock has on them. A handful of chickens to supplement your food supply is not much of a problem. A horse pulling a carriage and giving rides is good for the tourist trade. We need to police ourselves on this; if we have to hire a compliance officer to address a problem like this we have to take money from other programs.

What is the best thing about Mancos and the worst thing about Mancos?One of the best things about Mancos is the spirit of the citizens. The attitude of supporting the community is so very strong here that minor problems can be overlooked. People have honest differing opinions about what is best for the future of this town. That is great, it causes people to think and to develop solutions to problems.

In some places people do not care enough to get involved with the predictable result of nothing ever getting accomplished.

A problem facing Mancos is with infrastructure. Water and sewer systems need maintenance and upgrades. Roads need to be maintained. Growth will come here.

The question is how do we pay for the future needs of the town. We are not rich, but if we wait and play catch up the costs will continue to rise.

Which construction projects along U.S. Highway 160 should be the highest priority?Pedestrian bridges across Highway 160 will really connect the two sides of this town. People walk everywhere here, and presently crossing can be intimidating and even dangerous.

The next step is to slow the flow of traffic. This is both a safety measure and to get people to take a look at what we offer here. Any construction should be done understanding that this is the first view of our town that most people will see. The state has definite ideas here, hopefully they will have some money to share with us.
