
School News: Gatzke plays in All State football game

Thursday, June 25, 2015 6:37 PM

Dolores graduate Kellen Gatzke recently took part in the 59th Annual Colorado All State football game at Adams State College. Participants were nominated by Colorado High School Coaches Association representatives and voted on. He played linebacker for the South team with a No. 55 red jersey. Gatzke will be attending Colorado School of Mines in the fall.

Teacher jobs are filing up

Information about open teaching positions at Dolores Schools can be found under the "Job Opportunities" link on the left side of the main page of their website.

All positions require applicants to be highly qualified and are open until filled.

They include:

Elementary special ed Teacher

High school special ed Teacher

High school math teacher

Future Board Meetings

Aug. 4: Board/administration retreat

Aug. 13: 5 p.m. board meeting

Additional school board meeting dates can be found on the right side of the school website.

The 2015-2016 calendar is also available.
