
Sheriff’s blotter

Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:18 PM

Wednesday, May 20

8:50 a.m. A thrown watermelon reportedly damaged a $40 commercial mailbox on the 26000 block of County Road L. Despite surveillance video, authorities were unable to identify a male suspect believed responsible.

Thursday, May 21

12:40 a.m. Emergency crews reported two trailer fires on the 27000 block of County Road T. Flames were extinguished without incident. Authorities were unable to make contact with anyone at the scene, and doors to a main residence at the location were padlocked. The investigation continues.

5:58 a.m. Deputies ticketed a male subject for pedestrian on the highway under the influence after he refused to leave a residence on the 3000 block of U.S. 160. With a blood alcohol content of .257, the suspect was given a courtesy ride to a nearby gas station where he was allowed to call someone for a ride home.

11 a.m. A man reported that battery cables had been cut on a trencher and skid steer. The reported damage totaled $300.

6:24 p.m. A woman reported that a tie-dyed yard sale sign valued at $200 was stolen from the intersection at County Road P and Hwy. 145.

Friday, May 22

12:10 a.m. A man was issued a verbal warning for speeding, 73 in a 66 mph zone, along the 6000 block of U.S. 160. The driver was also ticketed for driving with a revoked license and lack of insurance.

1:53 p.m. A man reported that his mailbox was damaged along the 11000 block of County Road 29. The estimated damage was $100.

Monday, May 25

7:40 a.m. A 43-year-old woman reported a dog attacked her cat at the Lakeside Mobile Home Park on County Road K.2. The dog’s owner reportedly attacked and threw the woman to the ground. Yet, the owner of the dog, a 34-year-old woman, said her neighbor, who was dragging the dog by its throat, slapped her, and a fight ensued. No serious injuries were reported. No charges were filed.
