
School deputy updates board

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:55 PM

At any given moment, there are two sheriff's deputies in Dolores, population 900.

However, every school day, the town swells by the hundreds as students stream in from beyond city limits.

To handle it, deputy David VanBibber is posted at the school full-time. During a recent update, he said the students are generally good and are getting used to having a law enforcement officer on campus.

"The school has great students - very bright. Parents wave at me, and kids don't give me the finger!" he said.

Some problems he reported are typical for any school, including behavioral issues, lewd texting, and alcohol and marijuana use. He reported that marijuana and pipes have been confiscated at the school by officials, and turned over to the sheriff's office.

"We have zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol, and the school has been very assertive with enforcement," VanBibber said, adding that drug dogs are occasionally deployed.

He feels he is gaining student trust, and communication is improving.

"I am getting information if there is going to be a fight, or if there is bad behavior happening," he said.

Safety officials plan to increase security at the school and re-organize how the buildings are identified in order to avoid confusion in case of an emergency. Linking the intercom to each building is one priority. It was reported that a new EMT trauma kit has been placed on campus.

Board member sought

Courtney Hart resigned her position as a town board member, citing her busy work schedule. She served for three years.

"I have thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed the opportunity to serve with you all to make Dolores the best it can be," she said. "I am proud of our collective achievements, and feel lucky to have been elected."

The board is seeking to appoint a new board member. They must be at least 18 years old and have lived within the city limits for one year. The chosen individual will serve out the remaining term, and to continue must be elected to the post in the April 2016 municipal elections. Call town hall at 882-7720 for more information.

Other reports

Deputy Andrew Ghere gave an update on recent goings-on in town. He said the new parking restrictions on Riverside Avenues are mostly being respected. Off-leash dogs are an ongoing problem, and he has been giving warnings, but will issue citations for repeat offenders.

He reported that there are five sex offenders registered with the Montezuma County Sheriff's Office who reside in Dolores. Go to for more information. It is illegal to harass convicted sex offenders.

Rio Grande B&B reopens

The Rio Grande Southern Bed and Breakfast has re-opened for business after being shut down March 11 by town officials citing code violations. The owner is appealing the claims and is requesting a hearing. The appeal board who will hear the case includes Dean Mathews, Dale Murphy, and Ted Cordova, with Jim Lien as an alternate. No date for the appeals hearing has been announced.

Audit looks good, CPS says

CPA Chris Majors reported that the annual audit for town's financials came back in good order.

"The audit did not find any problems, you have not overspent your budget, and there are good cash reserves," he said.
