
Cartoon contest may have saved lives

Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:31 PM

Just amazing the number of people condemning Pam Geller for the cartoon contest. It was provocative and she shouldn’t provoke the radicals who want us all dead, they say. Then perhaps all the gay activists who want a marriage ceremony should stop provoking bakers, photographers and florists they know to be Christians. Should they not just choose businesses they know have no problem with gay marriage so as not to be provocative?

What am I thinking? The event in Garland, Texas, was held by people who support the Constitution and believe in freedom of speech. Gay activists are left-leaning liberals so that makes it OK to destroy people for their religious beliefs – but don’t insult Islam.

These two crazy radicals were just looking for a place to cause death and destruction and this event brought them to Texas, where the cop blew them away. What if this hadn’t rid us of these two crazies and instead they had found a mall, school or parking lot to start shooting? How many lives may have been saved by this one event?

Catherine Spencer

