
9Health Fair comes to Mancos

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 4:18 PM

The 9Health Fair is coming to town this weekend. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 11. The 9Health Fair, sponsored by the Mancos Valley Lions will take place at the Mancos Middle School/ Administration building from 7 to 11 a.m.

The 9Health Fair offers participants an opportunity to get a comprehensive health screening, including blood work and blood pressure.

And this year, the committee has taken away a requirement that will make most breakfast lovers rejoice.

"Our Medical Advisory Committee has been watching the evidence grow over the years, and are now confident that removing the fasting requirement from 9Health Fair will not compromise the outcome of the results," said Jim Goddard, president and CEO of 9Health Fair. "We are excited about this medical advancement and hope that it will now be even easier for Coloradans to own their health!"

To prepare for a blood draw, drink plenty of water and continue to take prescription medications. People with diabetes should not fast. (Fasting is optional should you feel you would get a better result.) Check with your medical provider for specific recommendations.

A key benefit of the Mancos 9Health Fair is the opportunity to speak one-on-one with health-care professionals.

Also included at the Mancos Lions 9Health Fair is a $35 blood chemistry screening, which provides information about blood sugar (glucose), cholesterol, triglycerides, liver, kidney, bone and muscle functions and may show warning signs of diabetes, heart disease and other concerns. Other affordable screenings include a $30 prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for men, which checks for prostate gland issues and cancer. A $20 blood cell count screening checks the health of your blood, a $45 vitamin D screening measures your baseline vitamin D level, a $30 hemoglobin A1C screening gives an average blood sugar level over the past two or three months, and a $25 colon cancer screening kit, checks for colon cancer. Free screenings such as blood pressure, oral health, hearing, foot, skin and more are offered as well. Providers will also be providing lots of free health-care information pamphlets and fliers.

You can register on-line for your health screening at Registering online can help speed you through the line on April 11.

Volunteers are needed to assist the nearly 500 participants with registration and to guide them through the process for the screening. Volunteers can receive up to a 20 percent discount on their own blood screening.

The fair will run from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Volunteers will be needed to set up the fair on Friday afternoon, April 10, and should arrive on the day of the fair at 6 a.m.

Call Val Hobson at 533-7874 or Sandi Gregory at 533-7180 to be part of the 9Health Fair team.
