
NRA Banquet promises good time

Monday, April 6, 2015 5:09 PM

For those interested in guns, steak dinners or just a generally good time, the Four Corners Friends of the NRA Banquet is the place to be on April 25.

Scheduled to take place at the Cortez Elks Lodge on April 25, the banquet will feature a silent auction, a live auction and a bucket raffle.

Among the items that will be raffled will be a gun safe containing ten guns. Five-hundred $20 dollar raffle tickets for the safe have already been sold and 300 more tickets are still available.

“We’ll have a multitude of things,” said event promoter Steve Blackwell. “Between raffles and games and auctions, we’ll probably get rid of 22 to 25 guns during the night.”

Tickets to the banquet cost $35 and a steak dinner is included. Corporate tables will be available to interested businesses and seating will be limited to between 250 and 300 people.

“It’s a great event for this community,” said Blackwell. “It’s open to families and we have a lot of good things going on there. You don’t have to be a hunter or shooter to come and have a good time.”

Individuals interested in purchasing tickets for the gun safe raffle or the Banquet can contact Steve Blackwell at 970-749-9772 or visit
