
School News: Students do well at competitions

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 4:22 PM

It has been a busy couple of weeks as far as competitions go.

The Dolores High School Knowledge Bowl team took third in Regionals over the weekend in Bayfield.

The High School Destination Imagination took 1st Place and also received the da Vinci Award, the elementary school also had a great showing.

Movie night

The SPIRIT Council will have the DHS Movie Night, March 19, featuring The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay, Part 1. The movie will be presented in the commons area and will be shown using the new projector and huge screen. Time is 8:30-10:30, free popcorn, bring blankets and pillows.

Mill Levy meeting

On April 21 at 6 p.m., the Dolores School District will host a community forum on the topic of a mill levy override.

The current mill levy override sunsets in 2016. This is roughly 7 percent of our annual budget. We will be asking the voters to support an extension this November. On April 21, the district will begin conversations with the community, solicit thoughts and ideas, and hear from all stakeholders about the school related things they value. Snacks will be provided. This meeting will be held in the District Office Professional Development room.

Building walls

Wyatt Jones and Brandon Ward finished first and third, respectively, at the state Skills USA competition.

The competition tests various skills, one of which is building skills. Students are given a set of plans and three hours to build a wall. They do so in front of judges.

Food drive

It is reported that the last food drive for the backpack program went really well. Students were very generous.

Kuddos to the Baptist Church in Dolroes for storing the food for the backpack program and to all the parents who volunteer in the program aimed at putting a backpack full of food in the hands of needy families.


March 19: DHS Baseball at Piedra Vista Tournament

March 19: DMS track at Aztec

March 20: No school for students

March 20: MCHS Girls Soccer at Fruita

March 20: DHS Track at Farmington

March 21: MCHS Girls Soccer at Montrose

March 23-24: DHS Girls Golf in Montrose

March 26: PE Extravaganza 7 p.m. Aux. Gym

March 30-April 3: Spring Break

Shannon Livick
