
Students display art at Visitor Center

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 8:32 PM
An elephant painted by Mancos High School sophomore Kaylee Rose.
Jelly fish made by Mancos Elementary School second graders hang at the Mancos Visitors Center through March 26.
Roan Russell, a freshman at Mancos High School, inspects his portrait composed of words.

Over 400 works of art by Mancos students are on display at the Mancos Visitor Center this month.

Art teacher Kim Russell said that there is something for everyone at the show.

Don't miss the jelly fish made by second-graders, the coyote sculptures or the portraits created using words.

"There is definitely something for everyone, and it is not to be missed," Russell said.

The show can be viewed during Visitor Center hours. Opening night including free ice cream on Thursday and was a huge success.

"We had a lot of visitors and hardly any ice cream when we were done," Russell said.

In the past, the student art show has been at the Cortez Cultural Center, and this year, the Mancos Visitors Center took the show on, and Russell said she was pleased with the results.

"The space was perfect," Russell said.

Russell has been teaching K-12 art in Mancos for 10 years.

"I love having all the kids and forming a good relationship with them and seeing them grow as artists over the years," she said.
