
Mancos residents line the streets to watch bed race

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 8:28 PM

Fueled by doughnuts and super powers, Team Olio cruised to a victory Saturday during the Bed Races in downtown Mancos.

With a time of 2.03 minutes, the five-member team beat the second-place team by nearly 30 seconds.

Team Olio was composed of Adriene Ratican, Jana Goldstein, Jamie Bade, Jake Strand and Joe Stevenson.

The team won a variety of gift certificates, which included an overnight stay at The Strater Hotel in Durango. The team raced a four-post bed down Grand Avenue and completed several obstacles along the way, one of which included throwing toilet brushes through a hanging toilet seat.

Their secret to their speed?

"We were fueled by doughnuts," Goldstein said. "And our superheroes."

The Bed Races are part of the sixth Annual Mancos Melt. Weather was kind for the day. Snow was melting as temperatures climbed into the 50s.

"What a beautifully sunny day we had at the Mancos Melt. We went from it storming and snowing last weekend to this," said organizer Rena Wilson.

Team Olio dressed the part for the Mancos Melt theme: Superheroes and Villains.

Goldstein, who rode on top of the bed during the course, said their true power came from Superman and Captain America, also known as Jake Strand and Joe Stevenson.

"Look at them," she said. "I just hung on for dear life."

Ratican said the event was fun.

"There was a lot of running, but we had fun," she said.

Second place went to Linda Odell's team, with a time of 2.32 minutes. They won local gift certificates, including two train tickets for the Durango/Silverton Railroad.

Third place went to the Town of Mancos.

Wilson Organizer said the bed race and the golf tournament raised $1,000 for The Mancos School of the West.


Results of 'Olio' Costume Contest Judges Rick and Kate St. Onge
Best Costume: Holly Cruser
Best Superpower: Linda Simmons
Best Dance Moves: Tami Graham & Armida
Results of Bed Races
First place: Team Olio - Adriene Ratican, Jamie Bade, Jana Goldstein, Jake Strand, & Joe Stevenson
Second place: Team Odell - Linda Odell, Derek Goldtooth, Drew Simmons, Eldon Simmons and Cayley Odell
Third place: Team Town - Andrea Phillips, Matt Besecker, Leslie Hopkins, Carrie Baikie, and Marie Chiarizia
