
Cut administration before raising taxes

Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 11:39 PM

It seems that the RE-1S School District just can’t get enough; enough of our money that is. Again, it is considering asking us for more money. The district is failing our kids and our community. It needs to show us that it is capable of making changes that will improve our kids learning and their chances of competing in the real world.

It can do this by cutting some of the fat! It has a top-heavy administration. Our Superintendent takes home over $10,000 a month. What does he do to earn that money? He has an assistant superintendent, a personnel director, an academics director, an athletics director, a transportation direct and others who do the work. Do we even need him? At a minimum we could eliminate the assistant super position and combine some of the director positions. The money saved could be used to hire technology teachers and other personnel who would be beneficial for our students learning.

The leadership of this district is in serious question. Why did they allow the buses to become so decrepit? Why did it allow the buildings to become run down? That’s easy, administrators are more interested in maintaining high salaries for administrators while ignoring the needs and the safety of our kids! The administration doesn’t deserve it high salaries!

Cut administrative costs. Use the tax dollars we give you wisely before you ask for more!

Maurien Foote

