
River Talk: River permit party a success

Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 7:50 PM

The river permit party in Dolores was a big success, according to Lee-Ann Hill, program coordinator with the Dolores River Boating Advocates.

"It was wonderful," Hill said. "It was a really big success for us and the river."

Hill said she was pleased that nearly 100 people attended the event Friday at the Dolores Community Center.

"People really participated in the auction," Hill said.

The Groovers played river songs, and the movie "Warm Springs" was screened. Onbe of the filmmakers, who was present, also is making a movie on the Dolores River.

Hill said she hopes the Dolores River Boating Advocates can screen the movie at the next permit party.

"Really this was the kickoff for film project," she said.

The event Friday was far more successful, that Hill was expecting. Osprey recently announced it's a co-sponsor of the film project.

Location of the press

I recently received word that the final resting place for the old Dolores Star flatbed press is Aztec, N.M. The museum there is closed for the season, but a source said she recently saw the press in Aztec.

Groundhog supper

The traditional Dolores Groundhog Supper is being revived this year. A pulled-pork dinner with all the fixins will be served Saturday, Jan. 31 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in honor of the Groundhog's upcoming prediction. The dinner will be at the historic United Methodist Church at 105 N. Eighth St. in Dolores. Enjoy a meal in a building that was originally ordered from a Sears Catalog. The cost is only $9 per person ($5 for kids under 12). For information, call 970-560-1390.

Citizen and Business of the Year nominations

Our Dolores businesses are an important part of the economy that supports Dolores, as are our outstanding citizens.

To nominate your choice for Business of the Year and Citizen of the Year, stop by the Dolores Chamber.

Nominees can also be sent to Dolores Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 602, Dolores, CO 81323. Email your nomination to

Deadline for submission is Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015!

Dolores Chamber's Spring Banquet

The Dolores Chamber has announced that the annual Spring Banquet will be Saturday, March 7 at 6 p.m., when the Citizen and Business of the Year will be announced. The location of the banquet will be announced soon.

This year banquet theme will be "Spring Fiesta," so be prepared for lots of fun, great door prizes, a catered meal, and a silent auction. Part of the proceeds from the banquet will fund a scholarship for a Dolores High School senior.

To pre-order tickets, call Rocky at 970-570-7486.
