Watching the various news outlets, the Internet and even Facebook lets you know without a doubt why the Democrats have been removed from majority control of the House and Senate. They’re now seeking revenge by destroying our intelligence community and then the San Francisco nut, Dianne Feinstein, followed in Obama’s footsteps apologizing for our country. How dare them. If there was ever a doubt about the loyalty of the Democratic party to this country and it’s citizens that woman removed them forever. She’s one angry liberal for losing her chairmanship of the intelligence committee and sought revenge without a thought for the danger she was putting this country and our people in delicate positions overseas in nor does she care. One psychiatrist actually said the liberal Democrats are clinically insane. I laughed at the time but now I see just how dangerous they truly are.
Keep in mind not one Republican signed off on this report just like not one Republican voted for Obamacare. Democrats are looking for vengeance and refuse to learn the lesson the American people just taught them. May they remain in the political wilderness a long time to allow us to turn this country around to regain it’s greatness and strength in the world. Hopefully we can remove any doubt about who we are and what we are. We are the greatest nation ever formed, the most generous in disasters, and now we have the chance to be oil independent and rebuild what the Democrats, unions and environmentalists have sought to destroy.
Catherine Spencer