
Writer wrong on torture, immigration

Thursday, Dec. 25, 2014 7:21 PM

Bill Proud’s comments (Letters, Journal, Dec. 23) left me curious as to how many tours he served in Vietnam? He seems to be rather knowledgeable about Dick Cheney’s service, which leaves me curious about his service.

Personally, I served 37 months overseas on a four-year enlistment. Fortunately, I was not sent to Vietnam like so many others.

I’m afraid I disagree with his comments on torture. There are some aspects of war I believe the public really doesn’t want or need to know about because by its very nature war is a dirty business.

I don’t believe you can win a war by kissing your enemy on the cheek, especially after his actions murdered 3,000 of our fellow Americans. You fight fire with fire.

And, I don’t think “we are clear” on why people “flock here,” either. Personally, I believe they do it for the free benefits they will receive and sneak across our borders like thieves rather than apply for citizenship as our forefathers did.

Michael J. Marston, Sr.

