
Brown did not deserve to die

Monday, Dec. 15, 2014 11:15 PM

I am saddened by the reaction that three women, who are highlighting a possible injustice in Ferguson by holding signs, has received in the letters to the editor. A young black man was doing no more than walking in the middle of the street — the police officer had no idea that he had committed any crime or that he was a “thug” as someone stated — there was absolutely no evidence of that in this interaction and it appears there was no attempt to choose another way to apprehend him other than shooting him. This is not about all police being bad but it is about some police being racist and react to blacks in a different way than whites. This does not require a defense of police officers or grand juries. It involves consideration for a young black man who didn’t deserve to be shot dead no matter what he might have stolen and a family who is grieving his loss and the number of blacks that can no longer trust that the police are there to protect them.

Joanie Trussel

