
Get facts before issuing opinion

Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014 9:28 PM

In regards to the opinion of the Journal editorial board Oct. 10, before writing your opinion for the sheriff race it would behoove the writers to get the accurate facts. In the editorial “Nowlin for sheriff,” you incorrectly labeled Mike Steele’s campaign as suggesting political agenda. The statement: “one of the most important elections,” is not the campaign’s but simply a quote from one of Steele’s supporters, to suggest anything else is biased journalism.

Furthermore inaccurate reporting is to suggest Steele’s organizational abilities are lacking. Again, get your facts before such a statement. Steele did not intend on running for sheriff. A group of community members came to him and asked him to run. It was not until after the community members presented him with the failing policies of our current sheriff’s office did Mike Steele decide to run. That is why his name is not on the ballot – it has nothing to do with skills. On the contrary it shows great commitment, that knowing the can of worms that opens with the decision to run, he rolled his sleeves up and went for it.

As far as local roots, when it comes to the choice of a candidate most qualified or one who has local roots, which is more important? Your editorial also suggests that Steele’s qualification are only 20 years of business; you left out the facts of his 21 years’ experience in law enforcement. Adding this to 20 years successful business experience brings much advantage to a successful sheriff office.

Sherry Simmons

