
Looking back at second day of infamy

Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014 6:23 PM

I wondered how 9/11 was reported in the Mancos Times and what was going on at that time.

Sept. 12, 2001

Fortress America is gone forever! American survived decades of fears of apocalyptic destruction by atomic warfare warfare, only to awaken Tuesday morning and watch a nightmare scenario of mass death and destruction on U.S. soil. In the span of two hours hours, two airliners were flown into the World Trade Center's twin 110-story towers in New York and a third into the Pentagon across the Potomac from the nation's capital. A fourth airliner crashed near Pittsburgh,.

In a special meeting Monday afternoon a quorum of four members present, the Mancos School Board voted unanimously to put a 3-year, 2.16 levy increase on the November ballot. The additional monies would be used to make needed improvements to school facilities and infrastructure without robbing operating funds.

The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 5231 will sponsor a United Blood Services blood drive at the Valley Inn Nursing Home on Monday.

Alex Cine Napolitano, coordinator for the Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce for the van for Daneen fund will be a champagne brunch and art auction Sunday at the Cortez Elks Club.

Tom Vaughan was writing a column for the Mancos Times. "Check out the school, tour the building, meet the teachers and generally get acquainted with the school staff.

Mancos High School boys cross-country came in third place Saturday at the Aztec invitational. "I'm encouraged with the guys, they ran well." MHS head coach Tim Dunham commented.

Athletes of the week were Levi Martinez, Jacob Tallent and Scott Koppenhafer.

Elementary school students caught being good were Jack Watts, Lauren Hennrich and Brandon Betts.

Mary Alice Gonzales was writing a Friends and Neighbors column. "The cold weather almost did all our gardens in around town. There were folks working at getting their yards and flower beds ready for winter. I had a wonderful few days to play with my granddaughter Madeline from Colorado Springs."

Jean Basinger has retired from her duties as assistant librarian, a job she started at the Mancos Public Library in August 1995.

Perry Lewis has added saddle-making and repair to the list of services available from Rimrock Outfitters.

The parents of Kiera Jones and Daniel Fury are proud to announce the recent marriage of their children. Kiera is the daughter of James and Shirley Jones.

Darrel Ellis is a longtime historian of the Mancos Valley. Email him at
