
School News: Homecoming, homecoming and pie

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014 8:23 PM

It's homecoming week. And that means lots of fun for students in Dolores. On Monday, students dressed up as their favorite cartoon character, on Tuesday students wore pajamas to school, on Wednesday students wore their class colors and on Thursday, students dressed up as senior citizens. Friday is spirit day, so be sure to wear your school colors.

On Thursday at 8 p.m., there will be a bonfire at Joe Rowell Park. On Friday, there will be a pep rally at 1:45 p.m. and a parade at 2:45 p.m. The football game is at 7 p.m. Friday. There is also a dance on Saturday at 8 p.m. Good luck, Bears.

Another pie in the face

Dolores High School students have a very interesting fundraiser going on this week as part of homecoming festivities. The Dolores High School Cheerleaders are collecting money, for either Principal Brandon Thurston or Vice Principal Jimmie Lankford. Whoever gets the most money will get a pie in their face during the pep rally on Friday. The principal with the most money gets pied, so find a cheerleader to donate to.

Student council elected

Congratulations to the winners of student council at Dolores Elementary. President is Avery Wright, vice president is Hazel Smith, secretary is Hailey Melvin, treasurer is Ameena Hobbs and reporter is Allie Kibel.

Nice job on 'Bully' song

Third-graders did a great job presenting the "Don't be a Bully" song last Thursday during the Character Day Assembly. And the student body looked fantastic in purple and orange and with purple and orange shoelaces. The entire Dolores Elementary student body wore the shoelaces as a stance against bullying after hearing a story about a kid who was bullied because he wore purple and orange shoelaces.


10/2: MSVB vs Ignacio, home, 4 p.m.

10/3: HSVB vs Telluride, home, Varsity starts at 4 p.m.

10/3: HSFB vs John Mall, homecoming, 7 p.m.

10/4: HSVB @ Ouray, 10 a.m.

10/4: Cross-country @ Cortez, 9 a.m.

10/4: MSVB @ Nucla w/Telluride, 10 a.m.

10/9: School Picture Day

11/6: Schoolarama! A Family Night at the Elementary 5 to 7:30 p.m.

Shannon Livick
