
Hesperus fire chief stops by to save the day

Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 7:02 PM


There are many fine & wonderful people in the Four Corners. In our estimation you top the list!

We experienced a blown out right rear tire on our 1996 GMC pickup. We were between Hesperus and Mancos. Being physically impaired, it was impossible for me to change the tire. We were off Highway 160 and stranded. This white truck passed us, stopped and came back. It turned out to be the Hesperus Fire Chief, Chris Anderson. In just moments, he was able to change the tire.

As former publisher and owner of the Mancos Times, I thought it warranted space in the Hesperus Times and the Mancos Times. I am very thankful he arrived to save the day. (If this should appear in the Mancos Times, please send the bill to Richard Ballentine, c/o Mancos Times.)

Russ Brown and caregiver
