
Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014 7:27 PM

On Saturday, Sept. 27, the Mancos Marshal's Office will be participating in the Drug Enforcement Administration's Ninth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.

This initiative provides an opportunity for the public to turn in their unused accumulated prescription medications to the MMO for proper disposal.

We will have an officer available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside the Fahrenheit coffee shop to collect any old prescription medications that you need to get rid of. All drugs collected will be turned over to the DEA for disposal.

There are some medications that we cannot collect, and they include liquids and aerosols. No hypodermic needles can be accepted either. The rule of thumb to be followed is if the drugs are in tablet or pill form, we can take them.

This is the first time since I've been the Marshal that we have participated in this initiative and it's a great, convenient way to dispose of any old prescription medications that are cluttering up your medicine cabinet. Of course it's also an easy way to prevent the possibility of prescription drug abuse, which is the main goal of this program.

If it's more convenient for you to dispose of your old drugs in Cortez, the CPD will be accepting them at City Market on the same day between 10 AM and 2 PM as well.

The last such event was held in April of this year and nation-wide the DEA collected 390 tons of prescription medications. This initiative obviously works and I encourage anyone with old prescription medications to drop them off to us at the Fahrenheit on the 27th.

I have a sneakin' suspicion that I will be manning the drop off location while enjoying a cup of coffee or five. Stop by and say hello and let's work together to keep those old medications out of the wrong hands.

As always, thank you for your support and I'll talk to you again soon.

Email Mancos Marshal John L. Cox at
