
Mancos to crack down on dust

Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2014 6:22 PM
Tom Nunn scoops up dust and debris that has settled in the back of a trailer bed as Bernadette Tuthill looks on. Nunn says he is constantly battling the fine sawdust from Western Excelsior.
Residents of Riverside Avenue point to the piles of fine sawdust near Western Excelsior that easily gets blown into the air.

The Mancos Town Board has directed Administrator Andrea Phillips to draft a letter to Western Excelsior, giving the business 30 days to clean up its act or be fined.

The business can be fined up to $1,000, Phillips said.

Kyle Hanson, business unit manager for Western Excelsior, later said, "We are disappointed with the decision.

"The decision came Wednesday, Sept. 10, after a town board Members of the group - The Concerned Residents of Riverside - told the board that they've been waiting for town action long enough.

Neighbors of the plant, which produces rolled erosion and sediment-control products, first approached the board about two years ago, complaining about dust and debris in the air.

"When is the time up to take care of this?" Tom Nunn asked the board. "I don't want to see the plant shut down, but if that's the case, so be it. I would just like to see the dust problem corrected."

Nunn moved to Mancos two years ago. He said he's constantly battling the fine dust. He grabbed a handful from the back of a trailer bed in his backyard on Monday, the steady whir of the factory in the background.

"I can get used to the noise, that's not a problem," Nunn said. "But since I moved here, I have a cough that won't go away."

Bernadette Tuthill explained that being outside on a windy day is hard on her eyes.

She had a hard time not rubbing her eyes Monday when explaining the situation. She rubbed dust off of her car hood, leaving a trail behind her fingers.

"I know they have been trying to make things better, but that has been what they have been saying for years, and it is just getting worse," she said.

Celeste Aurorean said the fine particles of straw in the air concern her.

"The straw is certified weed-free, which means it has been sprayed with herbicides. We've been breathing this day in and out," she said.

Chip Tuthill, chairman of the Concerned Residents of Riverside, pleaded with the board to do something.

"We are asking the town to take action to protect the health and well-being of Mancos citizens," he said.

Board Trustee Will Stone told the residents he was under the impression that Western Excelsior was working on the problem.

"I can sympathize with the residents. I was parked there for only a few minutes, and my dash was covered in dust," Stone said.

Trustee Michele Black agreed.

"It's a huge problem, and I don't blame you for hammering us," she said.

Trustee Queenie Barz suggested fining the business.

"My concern is that it's been five weeks and nothing has been done. Where is the accountability?" she said.

Barz said that her son still coughs up stuff from working at the plant 10 years ago.

"What concerns me, is the workers," she said.

In other action, the Mancos Town Board voted to approve Willow North LLC's business permit renewal. Willow North is a medical marijuana dispensary.
