
A call for volunteers

Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 6:51 PM

September is a busy month at the Visitor Center. As we move into color season, we begin receiving inquiries about when is the best time to see the colors change. Thus, there are many questions about the San Juan Skyway.

Mesa Verde National Park remains an important point of interest. We see many Europeans as the summer traffic slows a bit. Typically, the travelers we see now are older and have more flexible schedules than families with young children.

It's also time for gathering wood. We receive many inquiries about the Western Excelsior plant, and it becomes a primary destination for local and regional visitors.

The Visitor Center needs volunteers year-round to serve as our Mancos Valley Ambassadors. As an Ambassador you meet people and share your knowledge of the area. You let people know where the great places are to dine, shop and stay and perhaps where to gather firewood. Activity mellows out because there are fewer travelers on the road now, and this allows time to learn about the Ambassador position. If you would like to learn more about being a Mancos Valley Ambassador, please call the Visitor Center at 970-533-7434 or stop by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Mancos Valley Balloon and Arts Festival and Street Fair is Friday, Sept. 26 through Sunday, Sept. 28. Volunteers are needed to help with the Balloon Fest and the Art Fest portions of the event. Volunteering for the Balloon Fest can be fun and exciting. There is always the need for people willing and able to help the balloon pilots launch their balloons and then to even go on the chase to help the pilots land their balloons and load them onto their trucks or trailers for the return trip to town.

If you prefer a quieter, gentler volunteer experience, there are plenty of those opportunities too. The Art Fest on Saturday, Sept. 27, sponsored by the Mancos Valley Arts Council, needs folks to help share information as visitors arrive to the Art Fest or people to work with children at the art project booth. The event has been expanded into a street fair with music, food vendors, art demonstrations and hands-on art projects for kids and grown-ups too. Visitors will probably have lots of questions about what and where things are happening. We're also looking for street performers - jugglers, mimes, or Hoola Hoopers. Come join in the fun on Grand Avenue for a beautiful fall day with balloons launching in the morning and merriment on the streets in Mancos.

The Art Fest still has booths available. If you are an artist, craftsman or vendor of handcrafts, clothing and home goods and would like to participate give the Visitor Center a call at 970-533-7434 or send an e-mail to

Marianne Griffin is the executive director of the Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, 101 E. Bauer Ave. Visit or contact her at 533-7434. You can also visit for more information.
