
Mancos bridge replacement slated to run from May to August

Sunday, April 18, 2021 9:35 AM

The historic Main Street bridge in Mancos will be closed for four months beginning May 3 in order to widen it and bring it to load and rating standards.

According to a news release, motor vehicle traffic will need to utilize easterly and westerly detour routes via East and West Grand Avenue, South Spruce Street and East and West Montezuma Street.

Pedestrians may access businesses, the library and residences via the foot bridge over the Mancos River at Mesa Street.

Patrons of the Bauer Bank Building and Absolute Bakery will have access from the adjacent sidewalk. Parking spaces in front of the bakery will be closed, but the rest of the parking in downtown Mancos will remain open.

Fenceline Cider can be accessed using the pedestrian bridge near the library or a vehicle detour route.

The Grand Avenue and Main Street corner lot will still be available for picnics, except for short periods of time when it will be used for staging purposes.

The town intends to collaborate with Mancos schools’ art department to create signage to aid with accessing local businesses.

Work hours will run from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The bridge will be widened to allow for two lanes and two sidewalks to ensure safe crossing for pedestrians and motorists. It will also be 10 feet longer, and riverbed improvements will be made. The area between the bridge and the Bauer Bank Building will be reinforced to maintain the structure’s integrity.

A conduit for future fiber optic installation will also be built.

The concrete sides will resemble the bricks from the historic bank building across the street, and it will still incorporate the iconic 1912 stamp from the current bridge.

The $2 million project was made possible through a $1 million grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation and $193,000 from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

The contract for construction was awarded to Cortez-based firm Dave & Lana Waters, Inc.
