
Dolores 80 years ago

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014 8:18 PM

E. M. Goodrich, of Grand Junction, owner of the Juanita Mill, which was moved here last winter, was in town over the weekend and held several conferences with the directors of the Dolores Four Mills company. The result of the meetings here is that the mill will be placed on better footing and enabled to carry on in a more efficient manner. Joe Raff, who was employed by Mr. Goodrich formerly, will be in charge here and he is said to be qualified to turn out a high grade of merchandise. The mill is again receiving wheat and doing custom milling.

Plans for the big Labor day celebration to be held in Dolores on the first Monday in September are being rapidly developed. While the details have not all been perfected, as yet, it is apparent that the program will include interesting baseball games, street sports, boxing and dancing, and a big beef barbecue.

Harry Morgan came down from camp Tuesday after a supply of grub and reported that sheep are doing splendidly and that this has been a most excellent summer for prospecting. There are a few bright spots and things might be worse for a sheepman at least.

The showing of the Carnera-Baer fight pictures at Pythian Theater were well patronized and several hundred followers of the fistic sport attended the show the two nights. Manager Georgetta is doing his best to bring Dolores everything worthwhile in the line of motion pictures.

T. H. Akin left early Tuesday morning for a several days trip to Pueblo. He made the trip with his daughter, Greta, by way of Grand Junction.

Mrs. Marion Smith came home from the Johnson hospital the first of the week, after spending some time there recuperating from injuries incurred in a car wreck a few weeks ago.

Mrs. Callie Harkey went to Rico Sunday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Hartley Lee and family a few days.

Miss Callie Harkey went to Rico Sunday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Hartley Lee and family a few days.

Shannon Livick
