
Cost to taxpayers of ending TDRs infuriating

Monday, July 28, 2014 7:52 PM

The story (Journal, July 18) about how the cancellation of transferable development rights is going to cost the taxpayer’s up to $70,000 is enough to make one’s blood boil!.

Commissioner’s Suckla’s comment that he has no problem with that, is even more infuriating!

In all my 68 years, 22 of them in very conservative Wyoming I have never seen county commissioner’s try to run the county on their own personal ideology, contrary to anything that resembles any form of intelligence. From their invasive species fiasco to the TDRs I find this all unbelievable in the 21st Century.

After many public meetings, the Planning Commission’s work, expert testimony, pleas from young mothers, past county commissioner’s, land owners along the Dolores River and the majority people testifying and sending in comments they go with their own personal beliefs no matter what it costs the public or what the public wants.

Suckla’s comment that TDRs are for billionaires makes me wonder if he is smoking the same stuff he voted to ban!

Larry Berger

